Test: Mobilität + Logistik
Im Rahmen eines EU-Förderprojektes in Hamburg mit dem On-Demand-Anbieter MOIA hat first mile untersucht, inwieweit sich Mobilitätsangebote mit Logistik verknüpfen lassen.
first mile, Germany’s first last mile consultancy, is rethinking, planning and managing urban logistics: sustainable, innovative and practical. For companies (start-ups to corporations) as well as cities and municipalities.
Please contact us. Phone: +49 (0)40 – 71 66 81 08 | info@first-mile.eu
The first mile team comes with an authentic view from the outside and contributes methodological knowledge, a lot of experience and technical expertise. This is the basis of our last-mile problem-solving expertise in strategic management consulting.
In cooperation with experts from the fields of electric mobility (focus: LEVs Light Electric Vehicles, E-Vans, Cargo e-Bikes), operative mobility consulting, trade, logistics real estate, marketing/communication, brand development, urban development, sales, we cover a broad range of consulting issues.
Since 2016, first mile has accompanied companies on their way to innovative logistics solutions, real sustainability, new mobility, internal change processes and competitive and growth strategies.
Our consulting services take place on site at the client’s premises or as remote consulting. Our services are based on hourly and daily fees or project flat rates. In the area of interim management, the protagonists of first mile have diverse experience in the fields of CEP and logistics. References include GO! Express & Logistics Stuttgart GmbH and GEL Express Logistik GmbH with its subsidiary TREX Transport und Express GmbH.
first mile gives orientation. Whether field study, cross-sectional study, trend report, project outline, interviews or survey. Our studies on the last mile provide municipalities, conglomerates and start-ups with planning security and guidelines.
In the following a selection of customers from the areas of service/industry (mobility, logistics), start-ups and municipalities. Details on request.
Im Rahmen eines EU-Förderprojektes in Hamburg mit dem On-Demand-Anbieter MOIA hat first mile untersucht, inwieweit sich Mobilitätsangebote mit Logistik verknüpfen lassen.
VELOVIO und first mile kooperieren bei der Entwicklung kleiner ansprechender Mikro-Depot-Anlagen. Arbeitstitel: CONCEPT DECK. Vorteile: Zusatznutzen, modulare Systeme, keine Bodenverankerung.
Nach mehrmonatiger Planung wurde am 30.04.2024 eine 200 qm gr. Leichtbauhalle im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Städtische Logistik“ an den Bezirk Charlottenburg-W‘dorf übergeben. Hub-Betreiber: DB InfraGO AG, Projekt-Regie: first mile.
first mile
Innovative Stadt-Logistik UG
Überseeallee 1
Sumatrakontor, 2. OG
20457 Hamburg, HafenCity
T: +49 (0)40 – 71 66 81 08
U-Bahn U4 „Überseequartier“
Bus 111 „Überseequartier“
first mile Berlin
Bertha-Benz-Str. 5, 2. OG
10557 Berlin
T: +49 (0)30 – 23 32 85 70